29 thoughts on “Attention-A Test

    • It does test your short term memory, and that (most argue) does have correlation with IQ results. Generally speaking, we can say that the lower your attention is, the lower will the IQ result be. (someone correct me if needed please)

          • Admin. have a question. due to the flynn effect etc. can consecutively done iq tests on your site attest to the IQ, or can only the first one be trusted as valid? or is there enough differences in the tests? i ask since i got a lower result on the first test i did compared with the numerous others i’ve done after.

          • 1/ Flynn effect concern a population whose IQ progress generation from generation.

            2/ If you take dozens of similar IQ tests consecutively, you can observe a gain about 10% 15%.

            In this site, it is important to respect time limit and compute the average of at least than 3 scores.

          • admin, this site used to be free. why is the price so high now? 1 dollar should be more than resonable for JUST 15 tries. why do you use word play to trick people that they have full access for 1 month?!

          • For 5 euros you have unlimited access to all tests during one month. No trick at all.
            You can take the same tests hundred of times (change pseudonym or browser if any problem).

          • i will pay if you give me unlimited access for the whole month to all tests, even if i take them countless times

  1. I took the Placement A test but I can’t get the score, there’s an error in the URL, there’s an A missing there so it can’t make the correct score… Could you fix that, please? I’m commenting here because I can’t comment on that test, there’s no option to leave a comment there (that’s probably due to my slow internet connection).

  2. The fact that you take 3 tests in a row does not influence your score.
    I mean you need dozens of test-taking sessions to articially improve your IQ score.

  3. Admin, vous devriez examiner Operator-B test.

    Je crois avoir décelé une incohérence dans l’agencement de l’item 17.

    Le troisième domino devrait afficher: 3 z 2 / 132
    ou alors 2 z 3 / 123.

    Bien à vous et merci encore pour vos tests. ^^

    • Bonsoir de l’Oise,
      La règle « n z m » doit se lire comme ceci : mettre en n-ième position le m-ième chiffre pour rétablir une séquence ordonnée.
      OK pour « 2 z 3 / 132″ et « 3 z 2 / 132″ mais KO pour « 2 z 3 / 123″.

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