15 thoughts on “Arrow-A IQ Test

  1. congratulations! i really apreciate your tests.
    just a curiosity, what´s your IQ? certainly is very high..

  2. j’ai fait le test arrow A sous un pseudo différent de « pat69160″ comment attribuer mon résultat sous le pseudo « patrice69160″ au pseudo « pat69160″ ?

  3. My score is 132 from ARROW A IQ TEST, I am however very difficult to watch, I auditioned almost unable to think, how can I fix this problem.

  4. Esses testes não tem validade. Cada um dá um resultado diferente. Fui de 90 a 132. Como é possível? Ao memo tempo tenho inteligência baixa e altíssima? Como pode um teste ser mais difícil que outro? Coitado de quem se fia nos resultados desses testes fajutos.

  5. Hi, thank you for your work. This test is really nice , even though i made only 11 from 20. One some i can not figure out the solution . Like in many other iq test, you never get an explanation why it was wrong or why it is right. In a way that even low iq folks like me could understand it. Is there a way? Have a nice day. Marcus

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