This test aims to establish the range of your IQ and contains 20 questions:
<100, 100-120, 120-140, 140-160, 160+
Here is a sample:
This test aims to establish the range of your IQ and contains 20 questions:
<100, 100-120, 120-140, 140-160, 160+
Here is a sample:
15 thoughts on “Arrow-A IQ Test”
Item 19: A and D…
I have a good time. please,change iq test a month.
thank you…
Thanks but it is a lot of work to create an entire test.
congratulations! i really apreciate your tests.
just a curiosity, what´s your IQ? certainly is very high..
How good is speed of mind,if i solved Einstein’s test in 4 minutes?
j’ai fait le test arrow A sous un pseudo différent de « pat69160″ comment attribuer mon résultat sous le pseudo « patrice69160″ au pseudo « pat69160″ ?
C’est corrigé (si j’ai bien compris la demande).
My score is 132 from ARROW A IQ TEST, I am however very difficult to watch, I auditioned almost unable to think, how can I fix this problem.
Esses testes não tem validade. Cada um dá um resultado diferente. Fui de 90 a 132. Como é possível? Ao memo tempo tenho inteligência baixa e altíssima? Como pode um teste ser mais difícil que outro? Coitado de quem se fia nos resultados desses testes fajutos.
I scored IQ 136
Hi, thank you for your work. This test is really nice , even though i made only 11 from 20. One some i can not figure out the solution . Like in many other iq test, you never get an explanation why it was wrong or why it is right. In a way that even low iq folks like me could understand it. Is there a way? Have a nice day. Marcus
11 isn’t low IQ though lol. That’s 120-140 range.
Where does the 120-140 range start?
Halonator Studio 160 IQ arrow A