Dominoes IQ Test

This IQ test contains 30 questions and gives a score between 75 and 170.

Here is a sample, you must find the odd-one-out :

Example 2

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55 thoughts on “Dominoes IQ Test

  1. I can’t find a clear reasoning for item no. 24, it seems ambiguous . Could you help me (admin)? Thanks in advance.

  2. You are right. This item was not fair (It was based on the billiard game). I changed it completely. Look !

    • I made 164 on http: // / iqtest / the tests here are harder and the time is short, if I take into account time I dont exceed 150

  3. Just in case that somebody didn’t see it at matrix c :)
    Hi,can somebody help me to solve 33,35 and 36 item on this test ?I think that the answer for 34 is 5,because of lines in second column(they change position of objects(from first column) in third column).For 35 it could be 6(numbers of lines are same in each row)but I think that there is stronger rule.

    • I think that items of the both matrices are not so hard. Or, the « pattern recognition » within them is hard, a logic, where it exists, is mostly simple.

      • 17, 145.5 , 291, 15546, 31092, (214506.5) , (429013)?

        How? Please!

        I know 291/145.5=2 and 31092/15546=2 too.

        But I dont find the link with 17…

        • 17, 145.5 , 291, 15546, 31092,206006, 412012

          Please observe the elements at odd places,
          you have 17,291,31092
          ie 1 7, 2 91, 3 1092
          So the first digit of the next odd placed number will be 4. The rest of the digits can be found by observing:
          91=7*13 and 1092 = 91*12
          so the 2nd component of the next off digit will be 1092*11=12012 . So next odd placed value will be 412012. Each even value is half of the next odd number, so the preceding even odd is 206006

    • this is the only test with a realistic norm, so it makes sense that it would be more difficult

  4. Your average IQ per TEST is a MESS
    I just saw all the averages and all of them are above 120
    so it means either of the following

    1 Your tests are way too easy
    2 People re-do them 10 times per person
    3 The SD is 24? or something similar

    please tell me whats happening
    I got 140 on patterns maybe ’cause I guess some of them right but it doesn’t make sense 6 months ago I got 127 and during those 6 months I did stupid stuff like smoking weed and getting drunk LOL but is the pattern IQ test as accurate as it used to be long before?
    I going to try more of your tests please recommend me which ones are the most accurate


    • Do you think people with average IQ are interested in visiting my web site and complete my tests ?
      1. If you respect time limit, you would not consider my tests are too easy.
      2. I can not control people. Maybe they are 10 behind the computer. Maybe they do the same test dozens of times with many pseudos on different computers. That’s not my problem. These people only cheat themselves :-)
      3 The SD is 15. Re-read point 1.

  5. I think this test is the most accurate.

    Its obvious that the average iq here is more than 100…
    People that think doing iq tests is cool is more inteligent than average. That people is who solve this tests.

    sorry my bad english.

  6. This test is the most logical from the one on this site, what is funny to me is the variability of my scores in many of this test, for example I got 170 on dominoes test but 139 in Matrix B test, 129 in Arrow A test and so on, I know my IQ is not in 170…but its also over the 130…. by standarized test like the wais or the APM2, what I do not find compelling is the lack of correlation in my test results.. could the admin explain a possible cause for this… thanks

  7. Acho que as pessoas não deveriam se preocupar em afirmar que conseguiram resultados altíssimos como 180, 164, 170, 150, em geral mentiras, como se tais Q.I.s fossem uma maravilha, pois um ótimo Q.I. se localiza entre 120 e 145. E os resultados desse testes Nicologic, e dos testes de Q.I. em geral, são apenas resultados daqueles testes, daquele dia, o verdadeiro resultado, ou seja, o verdadeiro Q.I., a medida exata da inteligência de alguém, ninguém sabe, por mais testes que faça. Talvez a maior aproximação da verdade seja a faixa de Q.I., 5 pontos acima, 5 pontos abaixo do resultado: 125: 120/130, 130: 125/135, etc, e olhe lá.

    • O verdadeiro nível de inteligência é difícil de calcular até porque a mente não se limita só a pensamento lógico. A questão é que o QI é o resultado dum teste e não um número que represente a inteligência na sua totalidade e acho que ninguém afirmou tal coisa.
      No entanto é um importante factor na inteligência e é bastante relevante. Quanto ao resto que disse, fale por si… Nem todas as pessoas com alto QI tem « desvantagens » por serem « demasiado inteligentes ». E se não fossem eles você nem estava à frente dum PC a navegar na net…

      • Grosso, não, aquelas coisas. Tudo bem, eu sei que os portugueses são assim mesmo. Bom domingo.

        • Se esses resultados representam apenas o potencial de inteligência usado só naqueles testes em particular não sei que valor podem ter na vida prática… Bom, vou deixar pra lá porque sei que estou tentando saber o que ninguém sabe.

  8. Dear Admin.:
    The average of three tests Nicologic, including Flip A gave IQ 128 I consider myself to this I.Q. These tests coincide with traditional IQ tests, done in offices?

    • My site gives an IQ estimation based on 3 different valid IQ tests (first try and time limit respected).
      That makes a total of 60+ items (not so short).

  9. Now explained is the sum of three tests questions Nicologic short, results in a test IQ Normal 60 questions, or more. Thanks, logical.

  10. That his explanation, joining the three tests and result about sixty questions, or more, should be more publicized because it is very important. I suggest placing it at the beginning of your site, on the FAQ.

  11. Ops… Three tests Nicologic together really give 60 questions, that just is not the same thing as just a test of 60 questions, because we can join the three tests in which we got more points.

    • O dono do site devia pelo menos responder a esta pergunta, né? Ou ele não está mais entendendo Inglês? Dá impressão que o Louis tem razão, que esses testes não passam de fajutices. Não entendo como o teste de Q.I. verbal dá um resultado, e, o não verbal, dá outro. Ele não explica por que seus teste não tem 60 perguntas CADA. É lógico que juntando três testes dá 60, mas é conforme os testes.

  12. Pas de problème. Je sais que le I.q. essais sont approximatifs. Si vous prenez 130, PEUT-ÊTRE signifie en réalité 125/135 …

  13. Eu não coloquei esse comentário aí em cima. São 14:47 aqui, como eu posso ter colocado às 14:54?

  14. O negócio é o seguinte: esse negócio de Q.I. é uma ciência super inexata. Melhor nem confiar nos resultados dos testes, sejam do Nicologic, sejam de quaisquer outros testes. Melhor é verificar os resultados da inteligência na vida diária. A inteligência tem 1000 facetas, totalmente impossível reduzi-la a um simples número. Talvez daqui a mil anos surja algum teste absolutamente confiável.

  15. Tests Flips really seem to be the most difficult and the most reliable, since these tests for each question, do not know if I guessed right, but I counted eighty possible combinations for each answer. Unable to settle in luck. In other tests we win or lose 4, 8, 12 points on sheer luck or … Gambling …

  16. In other tests we can set, for example, 1/6 of responses answering all in one alternative, the Flips, no. The numeric also has no way of hit or miss in luck. These two tests are the most difficults.

    • I took the test on the website you recommended and it gave 100. But why did the website « » give 121? Which is more reliable? My IQ is 121? I did the « Sequences-B » test.

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