- What does IQ mean ?
The term IQ stands for « Intelligence Quotient » which corresponds
initially to the ratio : « Mental Age » divided by « Age » times 100.
If a young boy of 10 years has an intellectual level equal to that of 12
years old, his IQ is 120 (12/10*100).
A young girl of 8 years with the same intellectual level as the young boy has an IQ of 150
The normal IQ is obviously 100. This method of calculus (ratio) is unacceptable with adults.
For them, IQ is not a ratio but a number indicating the way they distinguish themselves from the mean of the population.
For example, a man with an IQ of 130 is ranked #2 of a population of 100 (he reaches the top 2%).
The IQ obtained by a person at two different time periods (child then adult) remains almost the same even if the way of calculating differs.
- What does intelligence mean ?
Basically the ability to solve new problems.
It includes abstract thinking, analogical thinking, logic, rigor, analytic sense,
short-term memory, observation, spatial skills, computation skills,
creativity, insight, perseverance, speed of thinking, …
- What are aptitudes (verbal aptitude or
numerical aptitude or visual aptitude or …) ?
We call intelligence the fluid intelligence which does not require
any prior knowledge or training.
An aptitude can be improved by specific learning.
Moreover, an aptitude level in a field may not reflect the general intelligence measured by IQ tests.
- What is the bell curve ?
The repartition of IQ scores corresponds to a bell curve with the
majority of the scores around 100 and a minority far from 100 (<70
or >130). See the figure 1 :
By definition, the average score is 100.
There are 68% of the population with an IQ between 85 and 115.
People with an IQ between 115 and 130 have a superior intelligence.
People with IQ above 130 have a very superior intelligence.
Statisticians quantify the scores with a number called « Standard Deviation » (SD).
In usual IQ tests, SD is 15 points, it means that a person with an IQ of 145 is located 3 SD far away from the mean.
Cattell tests use an SD of 24, hence IQ of 148 (+ 2 SD) in Cattell tests correspond to an IQ of 130 in Wechsler tests.
Standard deviation help label correctly the different ranges of scores.
- What is the standard deviation (SD) used in these tests ?
The SD is 15 as in Wechsler scale.
- How should we interpret the IQ scores ?
IQ scores indicates how intelligent you are, i.e. in which range
of the population you are located. The categories are written below.
IQ | ||
175+ | Profoundly gifted | |
160 | Exceptionally gifted | 0.01 % |
145 | Highly gifted | 0.1 % |
130 | Very superior | 2.2 % |
120-129 | Superior | 6.7 % |
110-119 | High average | 16 % |
90-109 | Average | 50 % |
90- | Tired | 25 % |
- What are the most famous professional IQ tests ?
For children, the WISC (Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children) is used everywhere in the USA and in Europe.
For adults there are the WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale) and the Stanford-Binet.
All these tests include many different tasks as Vocabulary, General knowledge, Memory, Arithmetic, Puzzles, Picture completion, …
Short form and well-known IQ tests are these from Raven (Advanced Progressive Matrice), from Cattell (Culture-Fair and Culture free), and from Anstay (D48, D70, D2000).
All these tests are very acultural and measure g factor.
Remark : these intelligence tests are inspired by g factor tests.
- IQ tests on this site are designed for whom ?
For young adults without any problems with computers and colors
- What is the incidence of the age on the IQ scores ?
Experiments tend to show a maximum level at about 16-22 years of age.
These tests are empirically standardized on adult population.
- What are the limits of the IQ tests on this site ?
Measuring precisely the extreme level of intelligence is impossible…
These tests let you to localize your IQ in a range of 110-170+.
If you scored out of this range, your score is not reliable.
- Can I use a calculator or any help during the tests ?
No calculator nor help ! Only your mind.
- How much does my IQ change in my life ?
Plus or minus ten points (except if health problems, of course).
- Can I improve intentionnaly my IQ ?
Yes. By repetitive training and with great motivation you can improve your IQ score by a maximum of 15%.
- Where are the solutions to those items ?
If you absolutely want to see the right answers, hack the javascript/php files
Seriously, I think you had better to think and re-think the problems over !
- Are those items whithout ambiguities ?
Yes, I believe so.
But if you see a bad item with at least two good solutions, write your observations in the comments section.
- What are the greatest scores obtained on those IQ tests ?
- Can I put a link to this site on my web page ?
Yes if your web page does not contain any insanity
i would like to confirm your opinion about hiqhiqpro softwares and /or iq training.if i am with great motivation so i can improve from 120 to 130 no matter the time it takes?AND IT REALLY REFLECTS ON ACTUAL INTELLIGENCE?And if not with the software, how?
I guess that your definiton of intelligence is somewhat too « wide ». You state about intelligence:
« It includes abstract thinking, analogical thinking, logic, rigor, analytic sense,
short-term memory, observation, spatial skills, computation skills,
creativity, insight, perseverance, speed of thinking, … »
Rigor, short-term memory, perseverance and, above all, creativity, should be seen as main components of intelligence? If so, do you think that your tests – or similar ones – can reliably measure these kind of variables?
My tests focus on pattern recognition and logic.
I think you can not measure « Intelligence » with any kind of tests in 2011.
The current tests are « narrow » and not really precise.
But I propose an analogy to express what I think about the today tests. An imprecise clock like a clepsydra is far much better than the human intuition when it comes to indicate the time. IQ is a clepsydra.
To conclude : the real Intelligence tests are to invent. Maybe they will directly investigate our brain when doing a particular task. The tests will improve as the definition of Intelligence (another challenge …).
Hi, I was just wondering if your tests are normed, as in verified for at least approximate accuracy regarding IQ as it relates to how one would score on a Standardized test such as the WAIS for example. Thanks and I’ve always enjoyed your tests.
These tests are not scientifically normed but they give a good indication of your level. I think WAIS tests are not designed for measuring high-IQs (> 150).
Where can I find more tests like ‘Matrix’ or ‘Abstraction’? Thanks!
You can try the « Bongard problems » (Google it). These problems mix matrices and abstraction. They are designed for computers but some of them are really interesting for us too
People who are ‘top scorers’ did the tests under yours own supervision? Some of them are Mensa members?
I proposed my very first tests (Dominoes, Matrix, etc.) to a few Mensa members.
I do not know personally these ‘top scorers’ but they answered quickly and correctly to my questions about some difficult items (after having claim a good score).
Would it be possible to get explanations for a few of the questions in the MatrixB test via email? about 4 of them drive me crazy…..thanks.
Write here the items and I give you hints.
Ok Mr. Admin, here are the ones I’d most appreciate hints on. I’ve listed them in order of how much I need help since I’m sure you don’t have time to give me hints on all of them at one time. Thanks in advance.
Questions 9, 12, 15, 22, 5, & 17.
Item 9
Hint : in the first line, there are three little matrices in which the two red squares move from top right corner of the little matrice in zig-zag …
Item 12
Hint : in each line, the first picture is tranformed into the third picture following rules given by the second picture. Red squares indicate « negative effect » …
Item 15
Hint : imagine a ball moving in each line …
Item 5
Hint : look for the symmetry axe …
Item 17
Hint : observe the same color group …
Item 22
No hint
I wrote Raven’s Advanced Matrices
Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices is a well-known intelligence test used all around the world since 1940′s !!
My Matrix tests are not sufficiently normed to compare with the professional tests of Raven.
If you want to know rigorously your IQ, you have to visit a professional psy and take Raven’s tests or WAIS ou Stanford-Binet or ….
P.S. I took personally all Raven’s tests and I can assure you that my MatrixB and MatrixC tests contain some more difficult items than Raven’s.
Where can I find more test of matrices? Any book or webpage? Thanks in advance.
How is calculated the « Average Score »?
Hello, admin,I cannt make any choice during the test….
It only appares A.B.C.D…but I cannt click them!!
Or where can I find the place to put my answers in,plz?
You just have to click on the letters.
My site does work under FireFox and Internet Explorer.
Maybe your browser does not allow Javascript code…
Thx..Now i’ve updated my explorer~
Could u plz tell me ur e-mail adress?
’cause i wanna help to translate ur testing web into Chinese,i think maybe it’ll attract more Chinese friends to our group
Il faut faire la moyenne des scores aux tests de QI pour avoir une idée de son niveau « général ».
Je ne suis pas capable pour l’instant de créer un test d’aptitude verbale et puis je n’y crois pas trop … Rien ne vaut un test culture-fair comme les matrices.
merci pour votre réponse
quand je fais une moyenne de vos test j’attribue à chaque test un coefficient correspondant au temps du test, cela me paraissant être plus approprié, qu’en pensez vous ?
Inutile d’être si pointilleux. Le QI est peut varier d’une dizaine de points selon les tests et la forme du jour.
oui mais en soi il est quand même plus juste d’accorder plus d’importance à un test de 40 min qu’à un test de 7 minutes, ou alors il faudrait avoir un rapport de temps proche de 1 entre 2 tests pris au hasard…
je désire passer le test » titan » ou « méga » en version française, existent-elles ?
J’ai une question à ceux qui ont déjà passé un test de qi avec un psychologue et on fait au moins 3 tests sur ce site :
quel pourcentage de différence entre la moyenne aux tests passés sur ce site et ceux passés chez un psychologue (en considérant des conditions similaires de forme, de motivation, … pour les 2 situations) ?
je connais votre site depuis fort longtemps et ai donc fait plusieurs fois les meêm test mis avec un intervalle de temps d’au moins 2 ans environ, peut-on considérer, dans le cas où je ne me rappèle pas consciemment de mes raisonnements que tous sont valables ?
I think sometimes short term memory is for a soccer player like physical condition and reflex,its very important but not exactly the gift of soccer.am i wrong?what do you think?