15 thoughts on “Placement-E IQ Test

  1. This was is much harder than the previous placement test, only score in the 140-160 range, and in the lower part of it

  2. This test aims to measure an IQ above 160, it was made to be a difficult test, besides, what would be the fun if it was easy?
    Here is the place where you will find challenges!
    Do you agree with me Mr. Adm.?

    • Maybe this Placement-E is a little harder than others Placement tests but the items are progressive and fair.
      I just slighty improved the interpretations ranges.
      By the way, this is just a Placement test… Relax.

  3. 100, 100-120, 120-140, 140-160, 160+…
    So you confuse users. You should put 100, 100-120, 125-140, 145-160 and 160 +

      • Hello. I found this website years ago, and have recently stumbled across it again. Lots of new test! Anyway, I was wondering if my iq could be estimated from this information:
        Placement A-15/15
        Placement B-13/15
        Memory A-10/10
        Spatial A- 9/10
        Logic A- 10/10
        Logic B- 9/10
        I respected the time limit to a certain extent. On placement B i think i went 3 or 4 minutes over. However, on the logic test i know i finished under time limit

        Thanks so much for the free test. I’m planning on buying some codes soon!

        • Hello,
          I do not know which pseudonym you used but according to the results you mentionned, your IQ seems to be above 130.
          You can try other free tests as Placement-C, Placement-D and Placement-D.
          You may buy an access code to take high-IQ range tests.

    • Item 20 : the logic for the 3 upper pictures is the same than for the 3 lower pictures. Logic rule is about « decomposition »….

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