Memory-A Test

This test measures your visual short-term memory and contains 10 questions.

Here is a sample:

This test is difficult. Score >= 7 is excellent.

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12 thoughts on “Memory-A Test

  1. 10/10

    Ce n’est pas étonnant, j’ai beaucoup développé ma mémoire.

    Vivement d’autre tests !

      • J’ai grossis ma mémoire en apprenant des définitions, du vocabulaire étranger, des décimales du nombre pi.

        Apprendre des suites de nombres sans signification est très efficace pour améliorer ses capacités mnésiques.

  2. Does this test have a correlation with IQ? or does an excellent result simply mean one has an excellent memory?

    • There is a strong correlation between short-term memory (working memory) and IQ.
      A good short-term memory is required to solve difficult problems… but it is not sufficient by itself.

      Memory-A is too visual to be considered as a reliable test of short-term memory.
      Others Memory tests must be used in complement.

      • OK thank you, because I find these kind of tests, memory A and memory B quite easy to be honest.
        I guess I’m not totally stupid.
        For methese tests are very enjoyable, love this site.

  3. 5/10

    It’s really difficult! I imagined it would be like a sequence you have to memorize first, that would have been far more easy.

    Anyway it was nice.

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