Logic-B IQ Test

This test contains 10 questions in order to estimate the range of your IQ :
<100, 100-120, 120-140, 140+

Here is a sample:
Your task is to identify a square named X.
In each row, I give you indications about X.
After observing the indications, you will logically identify X.

Answer : (E) because X can only be the magenta square (with correct position in 3)

See other examples & Take the test

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20 thoughts on “Logic-B IQ Test

  1. The first time, i scored 8, in the second 6, which one i should consider? Probably the first one i think, so, a bad day can influence the results.

  2. Please, release more tests! i know that is very difficult to create, but i like very much all of them, and i´m sure that there is a lot of people that think the same way. Health and happiness for you!

  3. hello,
    i very much enjoy all your tests, are you going to put a logic-C test with IQ 160+ online soon ?
    thank’s for the answer
    warm regards from

  4. Can you tell me what it means in the Logic tests with
    line i and colomn i………?
    Thank you very much for your answers

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